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In progress

Puerto Rico Farm

The Puerto Rico Farm was started by Spectra founder Ryan Rzepecki as a place for community gatherings and implementing related projects in sustainable agriculture…

Site Research

The site research project’s goal is to explore how local environmental, cultural, and urban contexts might affect Spectra-inspired projects on the ground.

Spectra on The Ground

Spectra projects that exist in real life, on the ground: from pop-up events and interventions, to infill development projects, to large-scale urban development projects.

The Cross-Platform City

The cross-platform city is the virtual footprint of Spectra assets and Spectra-inspired spaces that exist across many platforms and places, enabled by our open toolkit and community activity.

Spectra Governance

Spectra Governance Guild is conducting ongoing research to support Spectra’s community of virtual citymakers and explore systems, guidelines, and processes that help us uphold our principles and grow the city cooperatively.

Creative Club

The Creative Club was founded by and for content creators and anyone interested in media, art, design, or communications.

Technical University Darmstadt (TUD)

ScAInce is a virtual reality lab where participants can experience living in future cities and explore future mobility options

Spectra Cities Forum

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